Internationaler, Schwedischer, Deutscher, Deutscher VDH-Champion
World-Champion 2000
Österreichischer, Deutscher (CfBrH) Veteranenchampion
Argovian A Step Back The Roots
6.6.1997 - 1.1.2008
PRA, CAT, MPP, PHTVL/PHPV, RD, CEA, PED frei ('98, '01, '03)

Ch. Argovian A Step Back The Roots Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland Ch. Woodlane's Elliot Reeuwijk's Desmond
Woodlane's Amber
Scarlett O'Hara of Pelajilo Ch. Trushayp Eckythump of Jenards
Pelajilo Peg-o-m-Heart
Ch. Pennylane Love'N Kisses Ch. Lamedazottel Jazzsinger Ch. Bobbington Latin Lover
Ch. Zottel's Miss Marple of Lameda
Ch. Lamedazottel Graffiti for CH Pennylane Ch. Greyfell Storm Warning
Ch. Zottel's Miss Marple of Lameda

BOB unter/under: Ann Esposito (GB), Robin Searle (GB), Pauline Barnes (GB), Anna Jacobsen (USA), Mavis Chapman (GB), Geraldine Mulrooney (IRL), Maria Kavcic (YU)
BIS: A. Sladaschek (A)
3.Platz Open Class Crufts 2001

9.3.06, Crufts, Birmingham (GB), Jilly Bennett (GB), Vet. Class 2. place
6.5.06, Dortmund, S. Schaub, Vet. Class 1. place, Best Veteran, Best Veteran of the Day
21.5.06, Hässleholm (S), G. Bodegard (S), Vet. Class, exc. 1, CAC and new Swedish Champion!
2.7.06, Wardenburg, Gwen Mogford (GB) Vet. Class 1. Place, Best Veteran
2.9.06, Luxembourg, Paul Jentgen (L), Vet. class exc. 1, Best Veteran
9.9.06, Kecskemet (H), Vet. class exc. 1, Vet. CAC, Best Veteran
10.9.06, Kecskemet (H), Vet. Class exc. 1, Vet. CAC, Best Veteran, Best Veteran in Show (all Breeds)

St. Ives (GB), 23.1.05, Dawn Adcock (GB): Best Veteran
" A grand upstanding male, 7 1/2 years old and a credit to his owners, presented in immaculate form and hard condition. Grand head, with strong muzzle, dark eye, adequate pigment, tremendous bone carried the depth of chest that I adore, well bodied, clear light blue jacket, strong and sound backend, moved well. Thank you for bringing this lovely boy from such a long way as I have long admired him. A real privileg."

Graz (A), 6.3.05, G. Prenner (A): exc. 1, Best Veteran
Tulln (A), 3.6.05, Maria Kavcic (SLO): Champion Class exc. 3
Süpplingen, 12.6.05, John Wauben (NL): Veteran Class 1.
Niddatal.Bönstadt, 26.6.05, Martin Doherty (CDN): Veteran Class 1., Best Veteran. Best Veteran in Show
East of England (GB), Pam Tomes (GB): Open Class 3. place
Oberwart (A), 31.7.05, Judith Papp (H): Veteran Class exc. 1, Best Veteran & Best Veteran of Day (all Breeds, M. Singer/A)
Volta Mantovana (I), 18.9.05, Jenny Joice (GB): Veteran Class exc. 1, Best Veteran
Bayreuth (D), 24.10.05, Pam Tomes (GB): Veteran Class 1. Place, German Veteran Champion/damit Deutscher Veteranenchampion (CfBrH)


Hungen, 13.6., G. Mulrooney (IRL): ecx. 1, CAC
Oberwart (A), 18.7., M. Brenner (A): Best Veteran, Best Veteran of the Day Nr. 2 (all breeds)
Tulln (A), 26.9., E. Singer (A): Best Veteran, BOB, Best Veteran of the Day Nr. 2 (all breeds,S. Kirschbichler)

"Großraumiger, sehr kräftig gebauter 5jähriger Rüde in ausgezeichneter Kondition, maskuliner, zum Körper passender Kopf, kräftiger Fang, stark ausgeprägter Stop, gute Halslänge, ansteigende Rückenlinie, schwungvolle Bewegung, harsche Haartextur und ausgezeichnete Menge. Sehr gut präsentiert." B. Müller

"Absolutely magnificent dog. A joy to look at and examine. Great size, wonderful outline. Superb head, lovely eye, broad muzzle, correct teeth, lovely front, good neck and shoulder placement, furious bone, great depth of brisket, short compact body, exc. rising topline, super angulation, the best of strong well let down hocks, shown in perfection, magnificent coat. Moved with great drive.
A pleasure to see and judge such a wonderful specimen." G. Keane

"An upstanding 3 years old male, good square head, dark eyes, excellent foreface, good bite, strong neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, excellent deep brisket with rise to loin, good bend of stifle, low set hocks, square compact and move with drive, excellent coat in color and texture." P. Barnes

Und seine erfolgreichsten Kinder/and some of his wonderful children:

P. Ch. Sealord's Eight Days a Week, Breeder/Owner:Isabel Alves (P)
Lux. Ch. Felice aus der Boverheide, Breeder: K. Häpp/E. Blazek
Gr. Ch. A dream comes true by Micky's Land, breeder/owner: L. Zouboulidis (GR)
Rus. Ch. Good luck aus der Boverheide, Owner: E. Pekarova
Fin. Ch. Gauner aus der Boverheide, Owner: Ulla Hellman
Dt. Ch. Gently Greta aus der Boverheide, Blazek/Häpp

Ch. A dream comes true by Micky's Land