Internationaler, Deutscher, Deutscher-VDH-, Luxembourg, Tschechischer Champion

Fairweather from Beautiful Highland
(DOK '98, '01, '03)

Ch. Fairweather from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland Ch. Woodlane's Elliot Reuwijk's Desmond
Woodlane's Amber
Scarlett O'Hara of Pelajilo Ch. Trushayp Eckythump of Jenards
Ch. Pelajilo Peg-o-my-heart
Ch. Daphne from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sonny Boy von der Maß Ch. Satchit's Daytripper
Odina von der Maß
Ch. All my Dreams from Beautiful Highland Ch. Woodlane's Elliot
Scarlett O'Hara of Pelajilo

"4 years old dog, very sound allover, exc. head, super stop, well layed shoulders, strong bone, moved very well, very square, lovely sized dog." Jem Swatkins

"3 years old, good square head, excellent stop, dark eyes, strong muzzle, well arched neck, well placed shoulders, straight front, excellent brisket, low set hocks, good bend of stifle, plenty of bone for the size of dog, coat texture of excellent quality, moved with drive." Pauline Barnes

"Sehr schöner ausgeglichener Rüde, sehr schön im Haar, bestens strukturiert. Kopf und Fang korrekt, normales Scherengebiß, typisch in der Bewegung." Berni Büchel

BOB unter/under: Berni Büchel (D), Wilhelm Sandomir (D), Joan Walsh (IRL), Dr. Urisevic (YU), Mme Senecat (F)