Int. Ch., Dt. Bundessiegerin 2003, Dt. (Club) & DT.-VDH-Champion
Glorious feeling from Beautiful Highland

Qualified for Crufts 2003/2004/2005/2006
* 13.10.02, HD A
(DOK 14.4.03)

Co-owner: Carmen Mörner

Lucy im Alter von 8 Monaten 15 Monaten 24 Monaten...

... und mit 3 Jahren.

Glorious feeling from Beautiful Highland Cathy's Clown Call to Glorie Shawlea the Devils Disciple Bonny's Chun at Simberdale
Shawlea Princess Pippin
Cathy's Clown Criminal Beauty Blueville's Robin Hood
Ch. Fergie from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland Ch. Woodlane's Elliot
Scarlett O'Hara of Pelajilo
Ch. Daphne from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sonny Boy von der Maß
Ch. All my dreams from Beautiful Highland

"Very mature 16 month old bitch, lovely head and eye, exc. reach of neck, well spring of rip, good bone, strong hocks, profuse coat, expertly handled and presented." S. Nicholls (GB)

15.5., Euro-OES-Show Nyborg, Jilly Bennett (GB): Champion Class exc. 4
3.6., Tulln (A), M. Kavcic (SLO): Champion Class exc. 3
12.6., Süpplingen, John Wauben (NL): Champion Class exc. 1, BOB & BIS

18.1., East Anglian Show, St. Ives (GB), Jilly Bennett (F): Winner Open Class, Res. Best Bitch, Res. CC.
23.4.04, Goes (NL), Pamela Runderkamp (NL): Open Class exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS.
8.5., Dortmund, Claude Ritter, Ch. Class: exc. 2, Res. CAC
5.6., Duisburg, J. Burnes (GB): Ch. Class exc. 1, CAC, new German (Club) & German-VDH-Champion
4.9., Nevers (F), G. Mansencal (F): exc. 1, CACIB, BOB, new International Champion

25.1.03 DOESC Clubsiegerschau Warburg, Clarice Masterson (GB): Junior Class Exc. 3
9.2., CAC Luxembourg, M. Vanhoenacker (B): Open Class Exc. 2, Res. CAC.
23.2., CAC Fürth, Shirley Nicholls (GB): Junior Class Exc. 3.
1.6., World Dog Show Dortmund, L. P. Teixeira (P): Open Class exc. 1, CAC.
8.6., Mantes-La-Jolie (F), G. Kraemer (F): Open Class, exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB.
15.6., Frankfurt, R. Wagner (L): Open Class, exc. 2, R-CAC, R-CACIB.
29.6., Hungen, Terry Carter (Canada): very good
6.7., Gotha, Christine Smith (GB): very good

3.8., Schwarzenholz, A. Korozs (HU): exc. 1, CAC, Beste Hündin, Saarlandsiegerin, BOB!
13.9., Pontoise (F), Guy Mansencal (F): exc.1, CAC, CACIB.
5.10., Bayreuth, M. O'Cuillin (USA): exc. 3
17.10., Dortmund, John Wauben (NL): exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Dt. Bundessiegerin 2003, Qualifiziert für Crufts '04.