Gerardmer, Euro-Oes-Show, Ann Titheridge (GB)
It started with a kiss from Beautiful Highland Baby Class very promsising 2nd place
Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland Baby Class very promising 4th place

7.7.Wirges, Angie Allen (GB)
It started with a kiss Puppy Class very promising, Icing on the cake very promising 1st place, Ch. Argivian A Step Back The Roots Best Veteran, Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland Honour Class 1st place.

8.7. Wirges, Pauline Mills (GB)
It started with a kiss Puppy Class very promising, Icing on the cake very promising, Ch. Argivian A Step Back The Roots Best Veteran, Ch. Helga Hufflepuff Honour Class 1st place.

19.8. München, Richard Baker (GB)
It started with a kiss Puppy class very promising 2nd, Icing on the cake very promising 1st, Ch. Helga Hufflepuff Champion Class exc. 2.

13.10. Dortmund, Jilly Bennett (GB)
Icing on the cake first show in Junior Class: exc. 1, J-CAC, Dt. Bundesjugendsiegerin, qualified for Crufts with 9 month

14.10. Dortmund, R. Blessing (D)
It started with a kiss Junior Class excellent

21.10. Bayreuth, Sue Richey (USA)
Icing on the cake Juior Class exc. 1, J-CAC, It started with a kiss exc. 2, J-CAC-Res.

25.10. Stafford, Midland Counties (GB)
Icing on the cake Puppy Class 1st. prize,Junior Class 2nd, It started with a kiss Junior Class 4th, Ch. Helga Hufflepuff Open Class 3rd