Luxembourg Junior Champion
It started with a kiss from Beautiful Highland

Ch. Aryakas Cosmo Junior x Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland

DOB 28.12.2006
MDR 1 frei

Shows 2007:
27.5., Gerardmer (F), Euro-OES-Show, Baby-Class: very promising, 2nd place (Ann Titheridge, GB)

7.7., Wirges (D), Puppy Class: very promising (Angie Allan, GB)

8.7., Wirges (D), Puppy Class: very promising (Pauline Mills, GB)

19.8., München (D), Puppy Class: very promising, 2nd place (Richard Baker, GB)

14.10., Dortmund, Junior Class: excellent (R. Blessing, D)

21.10., Bayreuth (D), Junior Class: excellent 2 (Sue Richey, USA)

25.10., Stafford, Midland Counties (GB), Junior Class 4th place (Pauline Mills)

Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland Ch. Aryakas Cosmo Junior Ch. Reata's Cosmopolitan Ch. Danish Delight Sophies Dutch Joker
Ch. Reata's Avantgarde
Ch. Fan-Fell Qualify for Happiness Ch. Reata's A 1
Ch. Fan-Fell Givenchy
Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland Ch. Barkshire's Sweet Justice Ch. Barkshire's Dancer by Lambluv
Ch. Barkshire's Vivacious Antic
Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland
Ch. Daphne from Beautiful Highland

3.2.08, Luxembourg, M. Kips (L): exc.3

10.2.08, Warburg, Della Oaks (GB): exc. 4

16.3.08, Offenburg, Claude Ritter (F): exc.

30.3.08, Luxembourg, M. Vermeire (B): very good 1, Luxembourg Junior Champion and qualified for Crufts '09!!!

Bewertungen/judge's report:

Warburg, Della Oakes:
Nice bitch, strong head and muzzle, wall eye, good neck and shoulder placement, square bitch, good bend of stifle, neat hocks, coat of good texture and coulour with a break, moveld very well.

Offenburg, Claude Ritter:
14 Monate alt, etwas größere (59 cm Schulterhöhe), kräftige Hündin, gut quadratisch, mit schönem Ausdruck. Vorzüglicher Kopf in allen Teilen, sehr guter Hals und Front, vorzügliche Rückenlinie (Kruppe, Brust und Winkelungen), vorzügliches Haarkleid für ihr Alter (Dichte und Struktur) mit korrektem Bewegungsablauf mit gutem Schwung, die Rute ist korrekt angesetzt und gut getragen.