Dt. Bundesjugendsiegerin '07, Dt. Jugendchampion, Clubjugendsiegerin (DOESC) 2008
Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland

Ch. Aryakas Cosmo Junior x Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland
* 28.12.2006
CEA-PRA-CAT-frei, BEAR tested (free), MDR 1 frei

Icing on the cake from Beautiful Highland Ch. Aryakas Cosmo Junior Ch. Reata's Cosmopolitan Ch. Danish Delight Sophies Dutch Joker
Ch. Reata's Avantgarde
Ch. Fan-Fell Qualify for Happiness Ch. Reata's A 1
Ch. Fan-Fell Givenchy
Ch. Helga Hufflepuff from Beautiful Highland Ch. Barkshire's Sweet Justice Ch. Barkshire's Dancer by Lambluv
Ch. Barkshire's Vivacious Antic
Ch. Fioretto from Beautiful Highland Ch. Sugar Bear from Beautiful Highland
Ch. Daphne from Beautiful Highland

Shows 2007

27.5., Gerardmer (F), Euro-OES-Show, Baby Class :very promising 3th place (Ann Titheridge, GB)

7.7., Wirges (D), Puppy Class: very promising, 1st, Best Puppy (Angie Allan,GB)

8.7., Wirges (D), Puppy Class: very promising (Pauline Mills)

19.8., München (D), Puppy class: very promising, 1st, Best Puppy (Richard Baker, GB)

13.10., Dortmund (D), Junior Class: excellent 1, J-CAC, Dt. Bundesjugendsiegerin, qualified for Crufts (Jilly Bennett, GB)

21.10., Bayreuth (D), Junior Class: excellent 1, J-CAC (Sue Richey, USA)

25.10., Stafford, Midland Counties (GB), Puppy Class 1st place, Junior Class 2nd place (Pauline Mills)

Bayreuth, 21.10.2007
Foto: Klaus Hornig

3.2.08, Luxembourg, M. Kips (L): exc.2

10.2.08, Della Oakes (GB): exc. 1, Clubjugendsiegerin

8.3.08, Crufts, Sue Swatkins (GB): 4th place

16.3.08, Offenburg, Claude Ritter (F): exc. 4

30.3.08, Luxembourg, M. Vermeire (B), vg 2

Foto Dezember '07

Bewertungen/judge's report

Bayreuth, Sue Richie:
This is a lovely little bitch. First impression: very square and compact, very nice head, short muzzle, good stop, dark eyes, lovely shoulder placement, strong short loin. Nice topline,good short hocks, coat is coming in texture and colour although exuberant shows nice side movement.
Warburg, Della Oakes:
Beautiful young lady, nice head, dark eyes, good neck leading to well layed back shoulders, deep brisket, good bone, short square body, strong back end, neat hocks, moved with drive.

Offenburg, Claude Ritter:
14 Monate alt. Mittelgroße (56 cm Schulterhöhe), quadratische Hündin mit Substanz. Vorzüglicher Schädel, Stop und Fang. Zwei braune Augen mit Pigment. Vollständige Schere. Sehr gute Hals- und Schulterlage, vorzügl. Rückenlinie und tiefe Brust. Korrekte Hinterhandwinkelungen, vorzügl. Haarkleid für ihr Alter. Die Rute ist korrekt angesetzt und freundlich getragen, sehr dynamischer Bewegungsablauf mit viel Schub.

Foto März '08